Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Who would win in a fight the incredible hulk vs doomsday

Dude, and dudettes I been battling with this for years. I've have started arguement that last for weeks about this two narly unstoppable beings they are both undeniably strong. Both have a healing factor that are more powerful then wolverine. Both have beated the top dogs in their comic book railms. The only differce between them give an edge over one another. What are those edges your wondeing about? This isn't about were they come from if you want to know that buy a comic book. This is about whos the better butt kicker.


Powers: Super Speed, Strength, stamina, healing, durabilty.the power that makes him stand out Reactive adaptation Meaning he can surive anything.

The Incredible Hulk

Powers, Super speed,strength, stamina, healing, durabilty. Power that makes him stand out the madder he get the stronger he gets.

IT's all on you to figure out how wins

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